R&D Activities Resources Utilization Research Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
Integrated Geological Information Based on Digital Mapping (2018)
  • Geoscience Data Center · Geo-ICT Convergence Research Team
  • Northern Geoscience & Mineral Resources
  • Strategy Center
  • Geoanalysis Center
  • Geological Museum
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
Geoscience Platform Division plans to prepare for the 4th Industrial Revolution and the cooperation between South and North Korea for Resource development and exchange. In addition, as the only research institute specialized in geological resources in Korea, we will provide services to the public and try to popularize geosciences.
The Geoscience Data Center is engaged in systematic management and utilization of geological data, which have been collected during the long years. In addition, we built and made available to public a cross-platform geological information system (http://mgeo.kigam.re.kr) where people can access free services providing geological information for various applications. The Northern Geoscience & Mineral Resources Strategy Center studies on national policy on energy and mineral resource cooperation with the Northern Region Countries and developing energy and mineral resource in the Korean Peninsula. The Geoanalysis Center provides testing and analysis services for inorganic geological resources as a certified international testing agency and performs R&D activities on analytical techniques. The Geological Museum is the only geological museum in Korea and is taking the lead in popularizing geosciences.
  • Geoscience Data Center

    Currently, The Geoscience Data Center has built a smart geodata platform that can make research data into big data and promote sharing and utilization for systematic collection, management, preservation and efficient utilization of large and important geological resource related research data. The goal is to provide highly reliable data that can respond quickly to current issues. The Geoscience Data Center also focuses on construction of a geoscience database, and related web services provided through the cross-platform geoscience information system (http://mgeo.kigam.re.kr), and development of GIS and remote sensing techniques. The Geo-ICT Convergence Research Team is conducting R&D activities on integration of geoscience with IT to help resolve pressing problems in the field of geo-disaster, geo-environment, and mineral resources. Currently, core technologies for the geo-disaster response platform, including IoT/AI-assisted surveillance system, computational analysis based on physic oriented data and ML, VR-based geo-disaster response, and the like are under development. The main objective of Geo-ICT integration is to enhance public acceptance on geoscience activities, coevolution of geoscience and civil society, and strengthening of public service. The Geoscience Data Center is committed to timely provisioning of reliable data in order to effectively respond to the threats to national security, global environmental change, shortage of mineral resources, securing of strategic materials, and future energy and resource development. The Center serves as the national data center (NDC) of the geoscience sector, which provides consumer-oriented, high-quality data that is essential for the national, social and public needs.

    Main Activity

    • Development and management of the Geoscience Data Repository (GDR)
    • Development and maintenance of the Integrated Geoscience Information
    • Research of data processing, analysis and application for the purpose GIS and remote sensing
    • Geo-disaster sensing platform based on crowd-sourcing
    • Geo-disaster realization platform based on virtual reality
    • Digital-twin platform for stratigraphic information
  • Northern Geoscience & Mineral Resources Strategy Center

    The Northern Geoscience & Mineral Resources Strategy Center carries out (1) Studies on national policy on energy and mineral resource cooperation with the Northern Region Countries and developing energy and mineral resource in the Korean Peninsula; (2) Studies on improvement of the legal framework in the mining industry for efficient development of energy and mineral resources; (3) Feasibility studies for mining projects and evaluation of their environmental impacts; (4) Maintaining statistical database for mineral data and publishing information on domestic and overseas mineral resources market.

    Main Activity

    • Study on establishment of master plan for overseas resource development (1st ~ 6th) Study on the master plan of Raw Material Stockpile
    • Establishment and release of government approval statistics
      (mining statistics, mineral market statistics, rare metal statistics)
    • Development of international standard for mineral reservoir evaluation and standardization of economic evaluation of usage
    • Surveys of overseas resource development business
    • Suggestions for the improvement of the legal framework for national continental shelf development
    • Study on the Mineral Resources Cooperation between South and North Korea
    • Resource circulation index and evaluation criteria study
    • Study on material flow system design for metal resources
    • Establishment of F / S evaluation and strategy for energy and mineral resource industry
  • Geoanalysis Center

    Recognized as a certified international testing agency by the KOLAS-ILAC, the Geoanalysis Center provides testing and analysis services for inorganic geological resources and performs R&D activities on analytical techniques. In particular, the Center is developing and operating an accelerator mass analyzer (AMS), a research facility needed for assessment of global environmental changes, and is conducting usability research by adopting TIMS, HR-ICPMS, etc. Also, in April 2015, KIGAM has opened the Meteorite Registration Center for conducting meteorites assessment and perform registration and tractability.

    Main Activity

    • Supports the inorganic analysis of the mineral elements of geological resources using ICP, XRF, and wet corrosion analysis
    • Supports the analysis of inorganic components dissolved in underground and thermal waters
    • Develops a method for accelerator mass analysis and related technologies
    • Develops HR-ICPMS-related technologies
    • Develops TIMS-related technologies
  • Geological Museum

    The Geological Museum systematically collects, manages, preserves, and displays domestic and overseas geological samples, such as mineral, rock, fossil, etc. that demonstrate the formation of the earth and the evolution of life. The Geological Museum is taking the lead in popularizing geosciences not only through basic research of samples but also through various educational programs and special exhibitions.