Arrival Information
The Incheon International Airport(IIA), in the city of Incheon, is the biggest and the main international airport in Korea.
It is an about 3-hour drive to IS-Geo of KIGAM. For more information on transportation from the airport to Daejeon City, please visit the IIA web site,
(Select language→ Click bus→ Destination choice(Chung cheong)) All fares are payable KRW only. taxi fares from Incheon International Airport to IS-Geo are quite expensive, we recommend the Limousine Bus from the airport to Daejeon City and transferring to a taxi at a bus stop (Daejeon Jeonboocheongsa station - Government Complex)
Please refer to the following list of possible transportation routes to IS-Geo.
By Limousine from Incheon International Airport to Daejeon City
[Bus Route]
1. Ride an Airport Limousine Bus at Incheon Airport (To Dajeon Jeongboo cheongsa subway station)
There are 2 terminal at Incheon Airport.
- Terminal 1 – ASIANA AIRLINES, Any other AIRLINE
- Ticket booth : in front of the gate 11
- Fare : 23,700KRW
- Turnaround time : About 3 hours (A bus may stop at rest stop for snacks and restroom)
- Bus timetable (Airport >Daejeon)
07:10 07:50 08:20 08:50 09:30 10:30 11:20 12:20 13:00 14:00 14:40 15:40 16:30 17:10 18:10 19:20 20:10 21:00 21:40 22:20
- Ticket booth : B1(Basement 1) gate5
- Fare : 23,700KRW
- Turnaround time : About 3 hours (A bus may stop at rest stop for snacks and restroom)
- Bus timetable : (Airport >Daejeon)
06:50 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:10 10:10 11:00 12:00 12:40 13:40 14:20 15:20 16:10 16:50 17:50 19:00 19:50 20:40 21:20 22:00
2. Take off at 'Daejeon Jeongboocheongsa subway station'.
You will see the building, KDB Bank or the building, Samsung Life
Daejeon, Seo-gu, Dunsan-dong, 둔산2동 948번지
3.Take a taxi or a bus (no. 604) across the bus station.
Turnaround time : (Daejeon Jeongboocheongsa - Government complex station to KIGAM) 10~15 min Cost : 4,500~6,000 KRW (depends on traffic)
- Turnaround time: 10~20 min.
- Cost :1,400KRW
- Get off: Current museum stop (in front of the main gate of KIGAM)
4.Guest house of IS-Geo
- Location: It takes about 10 min. from the main gate of KIGAM on foot.
- At the lobby of guest house, your manager (custodian) will be waiting for you check-in
If you need any help coming to IS-Geo, please ask a taxi driver to call our office so our manager (or custodian) could give a guide to IS-Geo.
- Information desk: +82-42-868-3810
- Custodian office : +82-42-868-3811

The current basic fare for a taxi service is 2,800 KRW. The total fare is calculated by both the distance and the time of travel. Providing the driver with an exact map showing your destination in Korean will ease communication difficulties for the driver and passenger. Fares increase 20 percent between midnight and 4 a.m. Taxi are available 24-hours-a-day.
Hanbit Call Center: +82-42-540-8282
Yangban Call Center: +82-42-586-8000
On the way to KIGAM, some of taxi drivers might not know KIGAM, so please always bring a business card of our staff or you need to show a taxi driver the information as below:
한국지질자원연구원으로 가주세요.
(한국생명공학연구원 건너편입니다. 지질박물관이 있는 정문 통과 후 직진하시다가 갈림길에서 좌회전한 후, 직진하시면 왼쪽에 테니스장이 보입니다. 테니스장을 왼쪽에 두고 우회전 하셔서 직진하시면 D2 건물 주차장이 있습니다. 주차장에서 내려주세요.)
It means “KIGAM, please. It is across from Korea Research institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology. After passing by the main gate of KIGAM(Next to the Geological Museum), go straight until you face the two ways and then, turn left and go straight until you find the tennis court. Turn right at the tennis court and go a little down, and you will find the building(D2) and a parking lot. Please get off our participants there.”
By Limousine from Daejeon City to Incheon International Airport
1516 Dunsan-dong, Seo-gu, Daejeon
Bus timetable (Daejeon>Airport Terminal 1)
03:39 03:49 04:15 04:45 05:35 06:35 07:35 08:35 09:45 10:45 11:15 11:55 12:35 13:15 14:15 14:55 15:35 16:15 17:15
Bus timetable (Daejeon>AirportTerminal 2)
03:39 03:49 04:15 04:45 05:35 06:35 07:35 08:35 09:45 10:45 11:15 11:55 12:35 13:15 14:15 14:55 15:35 16:15 17:15