세계속의 KIGAM – 국제기구·프로그램현황
세계속의 KIGAM–국제기구·프로그램현황
International Organizations | |
아세안·(동남아시아국가연합) ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations |
아시아지질자원위원회 CCOP Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia |
포괄적핵실험금지조약기구 CTBTO Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization |
국제해저지각시추사업 ICDP International Continental Scientific Drilling Programme |
국제산사태컨소시엄 ICL International Consortium Landslides |
국제에너지기구(IEA) 산하 지열연구실행분과(GIA) IEA-GIA International Continental Scientific Drilling Programme |
국제공동해양시추사업 IODP International Ocean Discovery Program |
국제해저지명소위원회 SCUFN-IOC Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names |
남태평양응용지구과학위원회 SPC-UNDP South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission |
유네스코 UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization |