R&D Division Mineral Resources Research Intro Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
Based on AI-based smart mining technology, the Mineral Resources Research will open a new paradigm in the mineral resource development ecosystem. To ensure the stability of the core minerals, which are essential elements of national industrial development, the research researches mineral management technology, precise geophysical prospecting, resource quantity prediction, smart mine design, etc. In addition, the research conducts research on pollutant management technology and establishes a national mineral resource policy for eco-friendly resource development.
Major Achievements
  • Establishment of 3D modelling for Uljin lithium pegmatite deposit
  • Evaluation of 3D potential reserves for energy storage minerals (vanadium)
  • Development of geochemical control technology for G-PHEs (GeogenicPotentially Harmful Elements)
  • Basic resource development plan and national resource statistics production, including mineral products and rare metals