R&D Division Earthquake Research Center Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
Earthquake Monitoring & Response Team


The Earthquake Monitoring & Response Team provide accurate information for earthquake and special signals from the Korean Peninsula and Notrtheast Asia. Wonju KSRS operates the largest international seismic observatory in East Asia and transfer it to international organizations. By analyzing data from seismic stations across the country that are operated 365 days a year, we are striving for safety in Korea.

Major Activities

  • Wonju KSRS operates the largest array earthquake observation station in Northeast Asia
  • Operate national seismic network and integrate and management technology for data from foreign and related organizations
  • Analysis seismic and infrasound data
  • Annual earthquake catalog report
  • Analysis special events such as North Korea's nuclear test, large-scale explosions and missile launches, etc.